Wine Accessories You Need!

What kind of wine accessories do you really need? Which ones are just nice to have? And where do you get your Wine? Well, you’ve come to the right place because I know the answer to all of these questions. First of all, you’re going to need a wine opener. If you don’t want to deal with reusing a cork after you open the wine then I’d say definitely get yourself a wine aerator as well that will also keep an air-tight seal when your not drinking the wine.

Wine openers 

We have a few wine openers for you to choose from. Some are battery operated and some are rechargeable by USB. They have a few different colors to choose from as well. They’re small so you can buy them as a nice little gift for you’re favorite wine drinker! we also have an Air Pressure Air Pump Wine Bottle Opener. pretty simple set up , fun to pump and let the cork come out itself, Designed safe pumping technology, Retreat the cork with only a microneedle hole, Strong and durable stainless steel needle to easily insert through the cork. You don’t really need the most expensive gadget if you’re just starting out but if you have what we call a wine snob in your life that you love then definitely spring for one of the cooler gadgets on the site!! they’ll appreciate it and love you for it!

Wine Aerator

ok so I don’t know a lot about wine aerators. I do know you’re supposed to let the wine breathe BEFORE you drink it.  Exposing wine to air for a short time, or allowing it to oxidize, can help soften flavors and release aromas in a way similar to swirling the wine in your glass. I found a pretty elegant-looking Wine aerator that is in the shape of a tulip. we also have an even more interesting aerator that I would love to try out. It’s also a wine dispenser so you won’t have to worry about spilling your favorite wine.

Wine Stopper

THats right we also have a wine accessory for when you have wineleft over and need to save it for another wonderful time to celebrate! Remove air from your wine bottle to keep wine tasting new for up to a week. This thing even has a date mark on top which can record the date you open the wine isn’t that awesome! use this cool gadget to save your wine so it tastes just like the first time you opened it ! these things are so awesome.

Where do you get your wine?

IF you’re just starting out on your wine journey then you probably just get your wine from the grocery store. Let me assure you there are other better wines out there! You don’t have to play wine roulette at the grocery store!! If you want Fine wines that don’t make you sick, then please use my link. Get hooked up with a member ship that can get fine wines delivered to your door every month! Wine accessories are a must when you have the best wine from napa and sanoma valley to drink. so make sure to stop by and get your favorite wino some cool wine accessories!